Sommelier and wine shop owner Steven Spurrier (Alan Rickman), a British expatriate living in Paris, is to increase his business. He concocts a plan to hold a blind taste-test intended to introduce Parisians to quality wines coming from elsewhere in the world. Spurrier travels to the not-yet-famous Napa Valley in search of contestants for his Judgment of Pairs taste test, where he meets vintner Jim Barrett (Bill Pullman) of Chateau Montelena. Barrett wants no part in it, believing it to be a set-up designed by the French to humiliate New World wine producers. Barrett's son, Bo (Chris Pine), secretly passes Spurrier a couple of bottles of the Chateau's Chardonnay for the competition. Pretty and nonconformist university graduate student Sam Fulton (Rachel Taylor) arrives at Chateau Montelena seeking an internship, and is promptly put to work in the vineyards.
News Release: June 4, 2023
About: Learning the Language of Your Dreams @MetroWines
“Dreams are pure nature,” says Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung. On Sunday, July 16th from 2-3:30 at Engaged in Reynolds Village, Tayria Ward, Ph.D, takes us through the beginnings of learning how to understand our dreams. "Nature is offering us this gift, let’s listen!" says Tayria.
Tayria tells us that dreams provide profound, practical, useful and healing insights, designed by the psyche to communicate what we need to know now. Learning the language of your dreams is a powerful tool not only for self-development and self-awareness, but for learning about the multi-layered world we live within. "I help individuals to learn this language and understand the value presented to them regularly in their nightly visions," says Tayria.
At this event, hosted by Metro Wines, Tayria will share a brief lecture offering insights into how to develop a relationship with your dreams, explaining why they are important, and giving a brief history of dreamwork. Bring your questions and bring your dreams, as the rest of the time will be spent interacting with those who attend.
About Tayria:
Tayria Ward has a Ph.D. in Depth Psychology. She lives in Asheville, NC, where she has a private practice offering dream analysis, psychological and spiritual mentorship to clients from all parts of the world. Tayria has worked intensively with her own dreams and those of others for nearly 50 years, and for nearly 30 years has been an avid student of indigenous ways of knowing and being. She conducts a monthly Global Community Dream Symposium wherein persons from all over the world come to share their dreams and listen to the collective dreaming mind. Tayria also teaches to a wide audience in regular interviews and lectures.
One of her major tools to restore and improve health psychologically, emotionally, physically, socially and environmentally is focusing upon the messages consistently coming through in dreams. "Dreams are the language of the soul," says Carl Jung. Tayria has also studied world religions for many years, worked intensively with shamans from Africa and a variety of other traditions, and studied the theories of Carl Jung including completing her doctorate in Depth Psychology. Tayria worked for many years in analysis of her own dreams with some of the finest Jungian analysts. She is uniquely qualified to assist persons on an in-depth spiritual and psychological quest.
The event is $15 and includes a presentation on learning the language of dreams by Tayria Ward, questions and answers, and a glass of wine and light snacks. Reserve your seat by calling (828) 575-9525 or online here:
Contact for MetroWines: Gina Trippi
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(828) 575-9525