Purple Cowboy, Tenacious Red, Paso Robles
Tough Enough to Wear Pink was created by Purple Cowboy founder, entrepreneur and breast cancer survivor Terry Wheatley in 2004 with Karl Stressman, former director of special events at Wrangler and now commissioner of the Professional Rodeo Cowboy Association (PCRA). Wheatley’s goal is to bring the sport of professional rodeo and the western community together to rally against breast cancer. Wrangler is the title sponsor of Tough Enough to Wear Pink. A portion of the proceeds from Purple Cowboy support Tough Enough to Wear Pink.
Sardinia diet
The island of Sardinia is located west of the Italian Peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea. It is said to be the home of the longest-lived men (1Trusted Source).
The Sardinia diet is a variation of the Mediterranean diet — also called Sardo-Mediterranean — that’s associated with preventing chronic age-related diseases (9Trusted Source, 10Trusted Source).
The Mediterranean diet is characterized by a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, minimally processed whole grains and legumes, nuts and olive oil as main fat sources, moderate fish consumption, and low intakes of dairy, alcohol, and red meat (9Trusted Source).
In contrast, the Sardinian variation includes higher intakes of olive oil, fish, milk and dairy products, and alcoholic drinks (11Trusted Source, 12Trusted Source).
Some of the foods people eat and avoid on the Sardinian diet include (11Trusted Source, 12Trusted Source):
News Release: Friday, September 24th, 2021
About: The Winner Scores a Donation for their Charity!
MetroWines is playing Fantasy Football for Charity. We have ten teams. Each Team Leader has chosen a local charity as a beneficiary. At the end of the season, the total number of points accumulated by the winner will be matched in dollars 2 for 1 by the owners of Metro Wines. That promises to be a pile of cash!
News Release: Friday, September 24th, 2021
Prince of Pinot publishes "My Week with Jim Clendenen" by our manager, Zach Eidson!
Go HERE to read it! A few years back, Zach won a contest to spend a week with legendary winemaker Jim Clendenen. In this engaging piece, Zach tells the inside story of his adventure, the winery, the wine and his relationship with the master. Read it!
News Release: Wednesday, September 8th, 2021About: The Asheville Wine Focus Group: October
The Asheville Wine Focus Group @MetroWines meets on Wednesday, October 6th from 5:30 to 6:30. Our host will be Gwen Collins of 3 Keys Distribution. Four wines will be poured for your consideration. Join us to be the wine shop buyer for the night!
News Release: Wednesday, September 8th, 202
About: Blind Tasting League Returns
The Blind Tasting League with Andy Hale, Director of Education @MetroWines, returns on Thursday, September 16th from 5:30 to 6:30. Learn the process of deductive wine reasoning to determine what's in your glass.
Bone & Broth and Metro Wines
Proudly Presents
A DAOU Family Estates Wine Dinner
Tuesday, September 28th, 2021