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Thanksgiving Wine Tasting for ANY Gathering

Wednesday, 23 October 2024 12:37
ny dog tgx
News Release: October 23rd, 2024
About: Tasting Wines for Thanksgiving Celebrations!
Please join us on Wednesday, November 13th from 3 to 5 at Quench! Wine Bistro for a Wine Tasting with Juniper Cooper of Johnson Brothers/Mutual Distribution. The event will present wines perfect for the Thanksgiving Table and ANY Gatherings "at the Q Bar"  and "on the house."

And Order Chef Sam's Thanksgiving Sides for the big day.
Chef Sam Etheridge says: "come for the tasting and stay for dinner!"
Quench! is located at 50 North Merrimon in Reynolds Village.
Contact for Quench!: Gina Trippi
(828) 273-5348
Charlotte Street! It's the Next BIG Thing!
"Big Shop Selection. Small Shop Service"
(828) 575-9525