Event title: Trick or Tarot? The History of Tarot in Italy
Tarot cards originated in northern Italy during the late 14th or early 15th century. They began as illustrated playing cards with imaginative themes and were used for a leisurely card game called tarocchi, which became popular in Europe. Tarocchi eventually became tarot in southern France and around the mid 18th century decks started to be used for divination and fortune telling while also being infused with a layer of the occult. In modern times you'll find a never-ending variety of designs and themes for tarot cards, from French Impressionism to Star Wars.
Just in time for Halloween, join Ciao Asheville and local teacher, folklorist and book author H. Byron Ballard as she discusses the history of tarot and how cards are interpreted (is drawing the Death card always a bad thing?) She'll also do some sample card interpretations for attendees.
This event will take place on Thursday, October 26, from 5-6pm at Metro Wines, 169 Charlotte Street, Asheville. Price for the evening is $20 + tax and includes a glass of red or white Italian wine. Light snacks will be served. Register online here https://metro-wines.shoplightspeed.com/ciao-tarot-card-event.html. (Note: registration refundable up to 48 hours prior to the event.) For more information call Metro Wines at (828) 575-9525.
Note for attendees: Please park at the back of the parking lot at Metro Wines.
About H. Byron Ballard
H. Byron Ballard, BA, MFA, is a western NC native, teacher, folklorist and writer. She has served as a featured speaker and teacher at Sacred Space Conference, Pagan Spirit Gathering, Southeast Wise Women’s Herbal Conference, Glastonbury Goddess Conference, Heartland, Sirius Rising, Starwood, Scottish Pagan Federation Conference, Hexfest and other festivals and conferences. She serves as senior priestess and co-founder of Mother Grove Goddess Temple and the Coalition of Earth Religions/CERES, both in Asheville, NC. She podcasts about Appalachian folkways on “Wyrd Mountain Gals.”
Her essays are featured in several anthologies and she writes a regular column for SageWoman Magazine. Her books include “Staubs and Ditchwater” (2012), the companion volume “Asfidity and Mad-Stones” (2015) “Embracing Willendorf” (2017), “Earth Works: Ceremonies in Tower Time” (2018),“Roots, Branches, and Spirits: the Folkways and Witchery of Appalachia” from Llewellyn (Feb. 2021) and “Seasons of a Magical Life: a Pagan Path of Living” (Weiser, August 2021). Upcoming: “The Ragged Wound: Tending the Soul of Appalachia” (Smith Bridge Press), “Porch Food: a cookbook from Wyrd Mountain” and a musical adaptation of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. www.myvillagewitch.com