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Sneak Peak with Donati

Monday, 21 March 2022 15:07
News Release: Monday, March 21, 2022

About: Sneak Peak with Donati at Newly Renovated MetroWines

Join us on Friday, May 6th from 5:00 to 6:30 for a wine tasting with Adam Chesia of Donati Family Vineyard and Juniper Cooper of Johnson Brothers /Mutual Distribution to celebrate the renovation of MetroWines on Charlotte Street. MetroWines continues to offer Sisters Forever Chardonnay, Claret and Cabernet Sauvignon from Donati Family Vineyard and the popularity and customer support for these wines has never stopped!

Since opening the doors in 2013, MetroWines has held to the philosophy that wine is about food, family, friends and community. "Over the years, we have become friends and family with our customers and sought to benefit the community through service, employment and support," says John Kerr, co-owner of MetroWines. "But that's not all of the story!"

MetroWines has also established strong relationships with wineries. The retailer sits in the middle of the process selecting wines from various wineries for their customers. "So, to celebrate this new beginning made possible by our customers, we have asked Adam Chesia, East Coast Sales Manager for Donati Family Vineyard, to join us, to pour their wines, to tell their family story." 

"And it's not just about buying and selling," says Kerr. "When COVID struck, Donati sent us a case of hand sanitizers! Now that's family."  

Family owned since 1989, Donati tells an American Wine Story from its founding by Italian immigrants through to being one of the first wineries with national distribution to trust their business to women winemakers! 

News Release: March 14th, 2022
About: Christopher Mead Armitage Book Signing: Unlocking My WordHoard
Please join us at the newly renovated MetroWines on Saturday, April 23rd at 6pm, to meet Christopher Mead Armitage who will present and sign his new book of poetry, Unlocking My WordHoard.
The event is open to all and there is no charge. No reservations necessary. And as always, wine, beer and sparkling water will be available for purchase at the bar. 

News Release: Wednesday, January 5th, 2022

About: MetroWines Fantasy Football for Charity Winner!

The Winner  of nearly $8,000 from The MetroWines Fantasy Football for Charity is Hope Chest for Women represented by Team Manager Valerie Eidson. Valerie's team "Big Business" racked up 1926.62 points over the season. She was playing for Hope Chest for Women. The bottom line is that Hope Chest for Women will receive a check for $3,853.24 from the owners of MetroWines and $3,853.24 from one of the other players, Ken Nelson, President of Blue Delta Energy for a total donation of $7,706.48!

Art Class in Italy

Tuesday, 21 December 2021 12:09

News Release: Tuesday, December 21, 2021

About: Ciao Asheville Presents Tuscany Workshop Chat and Tasting 

Please join Ciao Asheville for our second “Italy Off the Beaten Path” series on Thursday, January 13, at 5:30pm at Metro Wines, 169 Charlotte Street, Asheville. This series is designed to introduce you to the lesser known, smaller, and more intimate places in Italy that offer a wealth of travel experiences.

David Skinner, a local Asheville artist, will present information about Spannocchia, which is in the Tuscan hills just 25 minutes west of Siena. David holds annual painting workshops at the 12th-century estate located there. The estate is also a working organic farm that produces its own wine, olive oil, and salumi. David calls it “a magical setting.”