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The Language of Dreams

Sunday, 04 June 2023 18:19
tayria ward

News Release: June 4, 2023

About: Learning the Language of Your Dreams @MetroWines 

“Dreams are pure nature,” says Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung. On Sunday, July 16th from 2-3:30 at Engaged in Reynolds Village, Tayria Ward, Ph.D, takes us through the beginnings of learning how to understand our dreams. "Nature is offering us this gift, let’s listen!" says Tayria. 

Tayria tells us that dreams provide profound, practical, useful and healing insights, designed by the psyche to communicate what we need to know now.  Learning the language of your dreams is a powerful tool not only for self-development and self-awareness, but for learning about the multi-layered world we live within. "I help individuals to learn this language and understand the value presented to them regularly in their nightly visions," says Tayria. 

 At this event, hosted by Metro Wines, Tayria will share a brief lecture offering insights into how to develop a relationship with your dreams, explaining why they are important, and giving a brief history of dreamwork. Bring your questions and bring your dreams, as the rest of the time will be spent interacting with those who attend. 

About Tayria: 

Tayria Ward has a Ph.D. in Depth Psychology. She lives in Asheville, NC, where she has a private practice offering dream analysis, psychological and spiritual mentorship to clients from all parts of the world. Tayria has worked intensively with her own dreams and those of others for nearly 50 years, and for nearly 30 years has been an avid student of indigenous ways of knowing and being. She conducts a monthly Global Community Dream Symposium wherein persons from all over the world come to share their dreams and listen to the collective dreaming mind. Tayria also teaches to a wide audience in regular interviews and lectures.  

One of her major tools to restore and improve health psychologically, emotionally, physically, socially and environmentally is focusing upon the messages consistently coming through in dreams. "Dreams are the language of the soul," says Carl Jung. Tayria has also studied world religions for many years, worked intensively with shamans from Africa and a variety of other traditions, and studied the theories of Carl Jung including completing her doctorate in Depth Psychology. Tayria worked for many years in analysis of her own dreams with some of the finest Jungian analysts. She is uniquely qualified to assist persons on an in-depth spiritual and psychological quest. 

The event is $15 and includes a presentation on learning the language of dreams by Tayria Ward, questions and answers, and a glass of wine and light snacks. Reserve your seat by calling (828) 575-9525 or online here:


Contact for MetroWines: Gina Trippi

Metro Wines Asheville

Charlotte Street! It's the Next BIG Thing!

"Big Shop Selection. Small Shop Service"

(828) 575-9525

The French Class

Wednesday, 24 May 2023 16:45
avl school of wine logo
Date: Wednesday, May 24th, 2023
About: The French Wine Class @MetroWines
Join us on Tuesday, July 18th from 5 to 6pm, as Andy Hale, Director of The Asheville School of Wine @MetroWines, for The French Wine Class. 
Class will address the classic wine regions of France, the varietals, history and styles of wine and, in view of global warming, the future of French Wine. Participants will taste and discuss five French wines that represent the country.
No experience or prior study is necessary. Andy Hale will walk you through the process from vineyards to the glass.
"With years of experience and accolades, Andy Hale presents the basics of French Wine in an informative, comprehensive and relatable way," says Gina Trippi, co-owner of MetroWines. "You will learn, laugh and leave with confidence."
The evening is $35 (plus tax). Call (828) 575-9525 or reserve your seat online here:

Contact for MetroWines: Andy Hale, Director of Education
Charlotte Street! It's the Next BIG Thing!
"Big Shop Selection. Small Shop Service"
(828) 575-9525

MetroWines 10th Anniversary Celebration

Thursday, 30 March 2023 14:35
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News Release: March 30th, 2023
About: MetroWines 10th Anniversary Celebration!
MetroWines celebrates its 10th Anniversary serving the Asheville Community with a "Customer Trade Show" open to the public. Please join us on May 6th from 3 to 6pm @MetroWines on Charlotte Street to taste more than 20 Wines!
Wines from France, Italy, South America and California will be presented by winery representatives for tasting "Trade Show Walk Around Style" with cheeses and small bites at every table.
"This is your chance to get a glimpse of the working wine world," says Zach Eidson, General Manager of MetroWines. "And also to participate, preview, taste and party!" 
$40 (plus tax) for the tasting and experience. Purchase your ticket by calling (828) 575-9525 or online here:
Contact for MetroWines: Zach Eidson
Charlotte Street! It's the Next BIG Thing!
"Big Shop Selection. Small Shop Service"
(828) 575-9525

Poetry @MetroWines

Wednesday, 22 March 2023 18:41
Sunday, April 30, 2023 - 3:00pm @MetroWines
Join us to celebrate National Poetry Month with a reading of Mildred Kiconco Barya’s The Animals of My Earth School at Metro Wines. Malaprop's is pleased to partner with Metro Wines to present this event and pairing of select wines and poems.
The reading is free and open to the public (You do not need to register). Wine and books will be on sale. Free, easy parking.