PALentine's Day Tasting
News Release: Friday, January 31st, 2025
About: Wine Tasting at Quench Wine Bistro on February 12th!
Join us for a PALentine's Day on Wednesday, February 12th from 4-6 at Quench! Wine Bistro in Reynolds Village. Palentine's Day is a day to celebrate love and friendship.
The tasting of "wines to share" will be hosted by Juniper Cooper of Johnson Brothers/Mutual, who hosts the Wine Wednesday Tasting at Quench Wine Bistro on the second Wednesday of every month. The tasting is "at the QBar" and "on the house." Parking is free, close and easy.
Save the date and stand by for the announcement of wines on the taste! Bring your Pal !!
And, as always, Chef Sam says: "Come for the Tasting and stay for dinner!."
Contact: Gina Trippi
It's the Next BIG Thing!
"Big Shop Selection. Small Shop Service"
(828) 575-9525