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Alessandro Cellai, "Rock Star Winemaker"

Alessandro Cellai, "Rock Star Winemaker"

Friday, 26 October 2018 00:00

What a delightful guy! Alessandro Cellai was interesting, fun and very, very, very accomplished. 

Seems like some people are just born with a genetic predisposition to do what they end up doing. Alessandro is one of them. He was, no doubt about it, born with the wine gene. That stands in stark contradistinction to me who was born with the "Watch Mary Tyler Moore Reruns Over and Over Again" gene, a predisposition I can assure you I have fulfilled!
There is so much to tell you about Alessandro but so much has already been written about and by him, all available on the internet and YouTube, I think I will let you focus on the aspects of his life and winemaking that interest you.
First, let me say that I hope Alessandro is not shining me on! He is mighty charming and could do some shining with ease but he seems like a real and nice guy. And I could see he was visibly taken aback when I gave him my business card. He says his mother's name is the same as mine, Trippi. She was from the Tuscan village of Civitella Della Chiana in Arezzo. "It is not a common name and I have only heard it around the Florence area." How cool is that?
Are we cousins, I ask with great hope? Alessandro says, "Probably, up the line somewhere." That works!  A world class winemaker for a cousin, even if it is several generations back in the old country and a little light on connectivity, is good enough for me. Alessandro says he will send me something that his mother signed. WOW!  I am all over town today telling everyone about my cousin. But enough about my excellent adventure. Back to Alessandro...